• Address: Palma's seafront promenade (opposite the Auditorium)
  • Email: reservas@crucerosmarcopolo.com
  • Schedule: Mon-Sat (11:00, 12:00, 13:00, 14:00, 15:00)

Use conditions

Corporate name: Cruceros Marco Polo

Tax ID No. Cif: B06896823

Address: Estación Marítima de Tráfico S/N

07005 Palma de Mallorca

Illes Balears


E-mail: reservas@crucerosmarcopolo.com

Telephone: 647 843 667.

Fax: 971 426 643

CORRECT USE OF THE WEBSITE: The present terms and conditions regulate the access and the use of this website http://www.crucerosmarcopolo.com. The use of this website http://www.crucerosmarcopolo.com confers you the status of site user from the very moment that you access and start browsing this site, accessing any of its contents; from this very moment, the user expressly accepts the present general terms and conditions.

Likewise, the user accepts the specific conditions applicable to the different services offered by the company through the web http://www.crucerosmarcopolo.com.

From the moment of acceptance of these terms and conditions, the user commits to use this website and all its contents and services in accordance with the law, as well as the generally accepted rules of good practice and public order. Furthermore, the user agrees to act with the diligence corresponding to the nature of the services received through this website.

A) It is prohibited to introduce, store or distribute any information or material that infringes in any way the rules of morality and public order, or poses any harm to the fundamental rights, public liberties, honour, intimacy or image of third parties or generally contravene in-force rules and regulations.

B) It is expressly prohibited to carry out any action that may damage, render useless, render inaccessible or deteriorate this website, its contents and the services offered herein, or impede the normal use of the website by other users.

C) The user expressly undertakes not to destroy, alter, render useless or damage the data, programs or electronic documents and any other material found on this website.

D) The user commits not to introduce, store or distribute any computer program, data, virus, code, hardware or telecommunications equipment or any other electronic instrument or device that may be likely to cause damages to the web site, to any of the services linked to the same or to any of the equipments, systems or networks of the entity (or of any other user, supplier or third party in general), or that, in any other way, may be capable of causing any type of alteration to them or preventing the normal operation of the same.

E) The user commits to abstain from carrying out any publicity, promotional or other commercial activities through this portal, as well as not to use the content, particularly the information obtained through this website, to forward advertising or send messages that contain personal data of third parties.

F) It is prohibited to carry out any action that may destroy, alter, imply the use for own purposes, render useless or damage the data, information, programs or electronic documents of the entity, of its suppliers or third parties.

G) It is prohibited to carry out any action that may infringe the rights of intellectual property, industrial property or third parties’ secrets; generally it is expressly prohibited to use any content of which the user is not the holder.

H) During the use of this site or as a result of the use of this site (or of any information and services contained herein) it is prohibited for the user to make spam or perform spamming practices involving a large number of persons for the purposes of sale or other commercial purposes without this having been requested or consented to beforehand. Likewise, the user shall not send to a large number of persons messages that have not been requested or consented to beforehand, nor shall the user send chain e-mails that have not been requested or consented to, nor shall he/she use mailing lists that may be accessed through the web.

I) The entity reserves the right to carry on any type of legal action against those who violate their assumed obligations.

MODIFICATIONS: The entity reserves the right to unilaterally modify the present terms and conditions at any time and without prior notice. In this case the publication and the communication shall be made as far in advance as possible. Likewise, the entity reserves the right to unilaterally modify the design and the configuration of the website at any time and without prior notice.

LINKS TO SITES OF THIRD PARTIES: The present legal notice only refers to the website and contents of the entity and does not apply to the links or websites of third parties that are accessible through the website. The entity is not reliable for the contents of the websites that are accessible through the links placed on the website of the entity, nor is it reliable for any link that appears on a site that may be reached through the website of the entity.

INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: The entity is the exclusive holder of all the contents of this website, including but not limited to the graphical design, source code, logos, texts, graphs, illustrations, photos and other elements that appear on this site. Likewise, all trading names, trademarks or distinctive markings of any class contained on the website are protected by the Law on intellectual and industrial property. The holder of this website is the only entity who is entitled to exercise the rights to exploit the aforementioned intellectual property in any form, and especially the rights of reproduction, distribution and public communication. It is prohibited for the user to make any unauthorised total or partial use of the website and those contents of the site which are protected by the Law on intellectual and industrial property and belong to the holder of this site.

The entity reserves the right to carry on any type of legal action against any user that performs an action implying the reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, transformation (and in general any other form of exploiting all or part of the contents of this website), if this constitutes an infraction of the intellectual and industrial property rights of this websites’ holder.

NOTIFICATIONS: For the purposes of these terms and conditions and for any communication that is necessary between the entity and the user, these should be sent to the e-mail address reservas@crucerosmarcopolo.com. Communications between the entity and the user may be carried out on basis of the data provided by the user at the time of registry on the site. Concerning all the communications related to the use of this website and/or contracting of services offered herein, the user expressly accepts and acknowledges the use of e-mails as a valid procedure for forwarding such communications.

APPLICABLE LEGISLATION AND JURISDICTION: These general terms and conditions will be governed by the Spanish legislation, which will be applicable in all matters that are not covered in this contract concerning the interpretation, validity and execution hereof. The parties, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may correspond to the same, submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Palma de Mallorca for any matter derived from the interpretation or execution of the present terms and conditions.


A) The user admits and accepts that the use of THE WEBSITE http://www.crucerosmarcopolo.com, as well as the service provision and/or selling of products offered herein will be done under the exclusive risk and responsibility of the user.

B) The entity shall not be held liable for damages and losses suffered by the user which were caused by the failure of him/her to comply with the law, morality, good practices and public order, as well as the use of the products and/or services in a non-diligent or improper way, or for illegal purposes or effects, or contrary to the contents of these general terms and conditions or any other conditions that might apply should it be the case. This comprises especially the damages and losses resulting from the performance of any of these actions: infringing intellectual and industrial property rights, infringing company secrets, honour rights, personal and family intimacy and personal image rights, infringing the rights related to the protection of childhood and youth, engaging in acts of unfair competition and illegal advertising or in acts that constitute offences or are of a pornographic nature. Neither shall the entity assume any liability deriving from the unlawfulness or lack of veracity, accuracy, reliability, appropriateness, up-to dateness or completeness of the information and contents that were not transmitted or put at the disposal of the users directly by the entity itself.

C) The entity shall in no event be responsible for any kind of damages or losses suffered by the user that might be derived from interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections in the operational work of this electronic system or in the devices or computer equipment of the users, motivated by causes external to the entity, that prevent or delay the service provision or the navigation in the system, the functioning, availability, accessibility or continuity of the linked sites.

D) The entity shall in no event be liable for any kind of damages that might arise due to missing legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, validity, completeness and/or authenticity of the information that appears on the linked websites. Likewise, the entity shall not be liable for the maintenance, provision or transmission of the contents existing on the linked sites.

E) The entity shall in no event be held responsible for damages suffered by the user due to delays or obstructions in the use caused by defects or overload on the Internet or in other electronic systems.

F) The entity shall in no event be held responsible for damages suffered by the user that could be caused by third parties as a result of unlawful interference beyond the control of this portal and that are not attributable to the entity.

G) The entity shall in no event be held liable for damages suffered by the user derived from the impossibility of providing the services, selling the products and/or allowing the access due to causes not attributable to the entity, in case they were caused by the user, by third parties or by circumstances that constitute Force Majeure. Likewise, the entity shall not be liable for the non-performance, defective performance or termination, for any reason, of the contracts signed with third parties in reference to the provision of services through this portal.

H) The entity shall in no event be held liable for damages suffered by the user that may arise due to losses and damages of whatever nature produced by the presence of viruses in the users’ computer system, electronic documents or files. Likewise, the entity shall not be liable for the presence of viruses in the services provided by third parties through the web, causing alterations in the users’ computer system, electronic documents or files.

I) The entity shall in no event be held liable for damages and losses that may arise due to knowledge acquired by unauthorised third parties about the type of use, conditions, characteristics and circumstances in which the users access and make use of the website and the information and services contained herein. Likewise, the entity shall not be liable in case of non-compliance of the users with their obligations in matters of personal data protection.

J) The entity shall not be held liable for the contents, services, information and generally anything that may appear on a webpage that has been accessed through a link inserted on this portal.

K) Should any of these general terms and conditions (and/or specific conditions, if it is the case) be declared null, invalid and/or ineffective, this shall not affect the validity or effectiveness of the other clauses that shall continue to be binding between the parties. In the event of the waiver by any of the parties to demand the compliance at a given time of any of the general terms and conditions (and specific conditions, if it is the case) stipulated herein, shall not imply a general waiver to comply with the other conditions, nor shall it create an acquired right for the other party.

APPLICABLE LEGISLATION AND JURISDICTION: These general terms and conditions will be governed by the Spanish legislation, which will be applicable in all matters that are not covered in this contract concerning the interpretation, validity and execution hereof. The parties, expressly waiving the jurisdiction that may correspond to the same, submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Palma de Mallorca for any matter derived from the interpretation or execution of the present terms and conditions.